New Zealand

I. Location and Topography

    located in the southern Pacific Ocean, southeast of Australia North Island and South Island are divided by Cook Strait there are approx. 220 mountains, the highest being Mount Cook (3754m) active volcanos found on North Island, rugged shoreline and landscape with many torrents, cliffs and valleys

II. Facts and Figures

    15 times more sheep than inhabitants (3.68 million) capital is Wellington, biggest city is Auckland (0.9 million) total land coverage 270,534 sqkm (about the same size as United Kingdom)

average temperature in Auckland in January is 24 degrees Celsius

III. History

    first European (Abel Janszoon Tasman) set foot on North Island in 1642 James Cook explored New Zealand in 1769 1840 Treaty of Waitangi was signed, New Zealand was annexed by U.K. Sovereign Constitution was passed by General Assembly in 1852 became Dominion of British Commonwealth in 1907

IV. The Maori people and their Culture

    original inhabitants of New Zealand Maori is second language, taught in most schools today only 9% of population, 95% of those live on North Island

V. Economy

    dominated by agriculture and export of wool, meat and dairy products biggest exporter of Kiwis worldwide

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