The Spanish Civil War

The Spanish Civil War (1936 - 1939)

1923 General Primo de Rivero (Dictator)
1930 De Rivera's Governemnt ends
1931 Spain becomes a republic
1931 - 1936 several mildly socialist governments followed each other
conservative opposition increased
a confronatation between the "Republicans" (government) and the Nationalists (oppposition) and Monarchists developed
1936, July 18thmilitary revolt lead by general Franco started in Melilla and quickly spread in Spain

à Civil War started

Falange (nationalists)
supported by the Soviet Union and the Inter - national Brigades (volunteers from all over Europe and the USA)
supported by Germany (Condor Legion) and Italy

1939 Victory by the Nationalists "Caudillo"

The bombing of Tortosa

2 bombardments
- Heinkels throw bombs on an army (ahead)
- Savoia Marchetti bombers bomb Tortosa (above)

Hemingway's day

4 o'clock starting in Barcelona
6 o'clock passing Tarragona
1 o'clock Ulldecona
3 o'clock back in Tortosa, bridge blown up - -> returnes to Barcelona

Translation of the first paragraph

Tortosa, Spanien. - Vor uns zogen fünfzehn Leichte Heinkel - Bomber, die beschützt wurden von Messerschmitt Jagdflugzeugen, herum in einem langsamen Kreis, wie Geier, die darauf warteten, dass ein Tier starb. Immer wenn sie einen bestimmten Punkt erreichten, gab es dumpfe Schläge von Bomben. Als sie zum blanken Hang, ihre starre Formation haltend, herum schwangen, tauchte jedes dritte Schiff mit speihenden Gewehren hinab. Sie behielten das bei für 45 Minuten ungestört bei, und das, auf was sie hinabtauchten und bombardierten, war eine Kompanie der Infanterie, die eine letzte Stellung auf dem Hang und dem kahlen Gipfel am Mittag dieses heißen Frühlingstages hielt, um die Straße von Barcelona nach Valencia zu verteidigen.

What is special about this war report?

Usually, reports are written neutral, without a comment and not inclusing the feelings of the author. Hemmingway, however, writes this text like an experience report. He includes his own thoughts and his feelings. He also prefers one party, the republicans. His text does not list facts or quotations, but pagives information about the feelings and emotions the soldiers have.

The Bombing of Tortosa
The old Man at the bridge
factural at the beginning
the use of parataxes to create emotions
personal impressions
and reporting, characterizing people

Old man at the bridge

Old Man
30 - 40 years old
on exploration (sldier)
professional, dynamic
observant, watchful
polite, friendly, mildly interested in the old man
might want to leave the decision with the old man

activity (? - old man)
76 years old / dusty
takes care of animals
lives alone
from a town calles San Carlos
"without politics"
he is worrying about his animals, not about
tiredness / fear for the animals


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